Soundproofing inserts for the Stilo helmet

Soundproofing inserts for the Stilo helmet

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Soundproofing inserts for the Stilo helmet

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Код товару:
2419,00 грн

TheStilo company была найдена в 1999 в Италии. С самого начала, это было связано с производством профессиональных мотоспортных шлемов, фокусировавшихся на величайшей функциональности. В течение долгого времени, Stilo helmets have gained more and more popularity and are now used by top drivers in the highest series of motorsports. The Stilo helmets made their debut in the World Rally Championship in 2004, and since 2005, The WRC World champion has been won by driver wearing a Stilo helmet.

Soundproofing inserts for the Stilo helmet

  • a set of soundproofing inserts for the Stilo helmet and more
  • Velcro fastening
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