Моторное масло Motul 4100 Power 4 l 15W-50

Моторное масло Motul 4100 Power 4 l 15W-50

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Моторное масло Motul 4100 Power 4 l 15W-50

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Код товару:
2406,00 грн
Основні параметри
Стан Новий

Motul 4100 Power semi-synthetic engine oil 4 л 15W-50

High-quality engine oil, made in synthetic technology (TECHNOSYNTHESE®), specially designed for engines of older cars with high mileage. Для бензина и дизельных двигателей, с турбонаддувом, впрыском топлива или карбюратором, с катализатором. For all types of fuel.

The new API SL standard is more demanding than API SJ in terms of oil aging resistance, requiring antioxidant properties that maintain a constant вязкость preventing the formation of сут and страхования депозитов on the oil pan. Очистка и диссолвинг собственности. High-quality anti-abrasion additives reduce friction in the engine and extend its service life. The high viscosity at high temperatures (SAE 50) is perfect for engines that consume oil. Very high efficiency in preventing the formation of сут страхования депозитов. Держите двигатель чистым.


ACEA A3 / B3


VW 505.00 / VW 501.01

MB 229.1

Packaging: 4 l

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