Ceramic Oil 9200
синтетическое масло с нано-керамической технологией.
Mihel Ceramic Oil 9200 5W30 is the latest achievement in the field of engine oil technology. Смазка показывает гораздо лучшие физические свойства, чем традиционные синтетические масла. Все это связано с уникальной формулой-смесью нефтяных баз и добавками, связанными с нано-керамическими компонентами. И это уникальные свойства керамики, которые делают керамическое масло 9200 стоящим из других смазочных материалов, доступных на рынке. Nano-ceramic components extend the life of the Drive unit by creating a protective coating on the Friction surfaces with extremely low coefficients of friction and resistance to extremely high temperatures.
Mihel 9200 5W30 synthetic engine oil reaches its full properties after driving 2,000 км - after covering this distance, it significantly reduces friction between components, guaranteeing them the highest level of protection.
Specifications and Approvals:
BMW Longlife-04
GM dexos2
VW 502 00/505 00/505 01
MB-Freigabe 229.39, 229.51, 229.52
Producer: MIHEL
Capacity: 5l
Viscosity: 5w30
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Ceramic oil for the Mihel 9200 engine - an innovative lubricant
спасибо mihel 9200 synthetic oil, ваш двигатель получит лучшую производительность. The lubricant guarantees protection against rapid wear of components even Under extremely high loads.
Low Ash technology расширяет срок службы DPF particulate filters, сохраняет entire unit чистым и защищает от коррупции даже при длительном запуске двигателя в соответствии с долгим стандартом жизни.
It is a fully synthetic, year-round "low SAPS" масло - "light gear", designed for modern gasoline and diesel engines equipped with diesel particulate filter systems (DPF). Especially recommended for vehicles with catalytic converters and turbocharged vehicles. Это масло встречает требования стандарта ACEA C3.
Mihel 9200 synthetic engine oil-why is it worth having?
Regular use of Mihel 9200 allows to reduce operating costs and обеспечивает safety in accordance with the highest requirements and restrictions of engine manufacturers such as VAG, BMW, Daimler Benz or GM. Advanced additive packages in the lubricant ensure cleanliness in the drive unit as well as durability of specific engine components.
Ceramic Oil 9200 from Mihel has a high flash point, which reduces oxidation обеззараживания and oil энергопотреблением at extreme temperatures and in conditions of increased engine operation.