Фукс Титан сын MC 10W-40 5L
Very high-quality engine oil reducing Fuel consumption, based on Base oils in MC technology, intended for passenger cars with gasoline and diesel engines. Обеспечивает low oil энергопотреблением.
TITAN son MC SAE 10W-40 is a multigrade engine oil of the SAE 10W-40 viscosity grade, providing fuel economy reduction. Это было специально разработано для пассажирских автомобилей и фургонов с бензином и дизельным двигателем, также с турбонаддувом. TITAN son MC SAE 10W-40 is characterized by universal application and functionality.
TITAN SYN MC SAE 10W-40 can be used in gasoline, diesel and gas топливе engines (LPG, CNG), in vehicles for which the manufacturer has not anticipated extended mileage between oil drains. TITAN son MC SAE 10W-40 provides proper Engine protection in all operating conditions. TITAN son MC SAE 10W-40 is fully missible with other branded engine oils, however, admixtures of foreign oils may lower its technical parameters. The Safety Data Sheet provides information on the safe use of the product and its storage.
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