Автомобильный крысиный РЕПЕЛЛЕР KEMO M186

Автомобильный крысиный РЕПЕЛЛЕР KEMO M186

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Автомобильный крысиный РЕПЕЛЛЕР KEMO M186

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3669,00 грн
Kemo M186 marten and rodent repeller - deterrents with ultrasound and electric shock

✅ Double power of deterrence - ультразвук + electric shock

High Highest quality at the lowest price

It It emits ultrasounds that are inaudible by humans

Produc Produces weak current pulses that are safe for martens but are effective in deterring them

Can Can be mounted directly under the hood of the car

✅ IP65 standard-The repeller is waterproof

Ext Extremely низкое энергопотребление(less than 0.005 A)

✅ 6 high voltage steel plates ready for installation

Easy to use and extremely effective

kemo m186 marten and Rodent repeller is an electronic ultrasonic repeller that generates electric shock and is designed for installation in modern cars. Applied Security systems allow for installation also in cars with Start-Stop systems. Martens and rodents often choose the engine compartment and a soundproofing mat as a shelter, грызть ногти through the wires at the same time, causing costly damage.

by generating ultrasounds, they can warn each other of the dangers. Эти животные только воспринимают всерьез входящие сигналы, если они звучат естественно и могут исходить от других Мартенсов. Too loud or even distorted sounds usually coming from horn speakers or loose piezo plates will not be taken seriously. It is more important that the emitted tone is clear and broadly radiated than a loud одышка tone emitted in one direction. Only Kemo loudspeakers meet these high demands. the course of deterrence

kemo m186 repeller scares away martensиз-за испускаемого сильного ультразвука и электрического удара в моторном отсеке, вызванном касанием пластин с аппроксом напряжения. 200-300 В / DC (weak current pulses that will not kill but strongly scare The marten). The marten repeller is состояние живых характеризуется by a particularly low мощности <0.005 A, and the automatic switch-off at a battery voltage of <11.5 V / DC is a great advantage of the device. Операция marten repellerне разрядит батарею когда машина припаркована за долгое время.

Well-thought-out design

The devices have a special ceramic speaker in the housing with a profiled aluminum, spherical diaphragm, which perfectly emits ultrasounds at a wide angle> 160 °. Другие ультразвуковые устройства, доступные на рынке, оснащены ультразвуковыми ораторами или плоскими пьезоэлектрическими трансдукторами, которые означают, что ультразвук распространяется в узком луче только в одном направлении.

Horn speakers further reduce this beam. For a better understanding, please compare the light of a flashlight without a reflector and with a reflector: a flashlight without a reflector sends light in all directions, while a flashlight with a reflector only in one direction but with greater force. В случае детерринга Мартенсов из моторного отсека автомобиля лучше всего публиковать пространство как большое, так и малое, но с большим количеством интенсивности. Only kemo marten repellers provide this property.

Installation in the car <улей>
  • When assembling the device, please remove the device fuse from the Fuse holder. The base unit should be mounted in a dry place in the vehicle where the temperature is not too high (please do not install it in the immediate vicinity of the exhaust manifold or other particularly hot places), from which the ultrasound spreads well throughout the engine compartment. Подключите позитивный кабель с интегрированным предохранителем к источнику питания "+ 12 В".
  • подключите наземный кабель к наземному терминалу "- 12 В". кабель "терминал 15" должен быть подключен к "контакту 15" бортовой электрической системы транспортного средства. Этот контакт наиболее часто локализован на выключателе зажигания или на Евро-вилке автомобильного радиоприемника.
  • IfThe cable is properly connected to "terminal 15", the deterrent will turned on automatically when theengine is turned off (когда автомобиль припаркован). Если вы не найдете "contact (terminal) 15", пожалуйста, посмотрите на другой контакт на выключателе зажигания, который отключен, когда машина припаркована, и подключен с "плюс", когда двигатель работает.
  • On some vehicles this is the cigarette lighter socket. Подключение провода к "терминалу 15" гарантирует, что marten deterrent will turned on only when the car is stationary (there is no risk of marten appearing while driving) . Installation in buildings <улей>
  • a marten can only experience anelectric shock when it touches the High-voltage plate and the "mass" at the same time. In a car," mass " (body, engine) is everywhere. In buildings , glue The Kemo z115 mass mat (not included in the set) at the places where the marten enters and connect The mat wire with (минус). =
  • The self-adhesive mass mat and high-voltage plates should be installed in the places where the marten enters the marten in such a way that the passing marten штрихи the metallized mat with its paw and one of the high-tension plates with its nose. Вот, это будет опыт электрошока .
  • Specification <улей>
  • рабочее напряжение: 12 - 15V / DC (автомобильная батарея)
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  • Average current энергопотреблением: <5 ма
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  • Automatic switch-off: when the battery Voltage drops below 11.5 V / DC ± 5%
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  • Output voltage: approx. 200-300 в / DC
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  • ультразвуковая частота: 22khz ± 10%
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  • ultrasound propagation angle: approx. 160 °
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  • Speaker: ceramic with an aluminum spherical diaphragm
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  • температурный диапазон: approx. -25 - + 80 °
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  • Optical indicator of Device operation: LED blinking every 5-12s
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  • Length of the High Voltage cable: approx. 4м ± 10%
  • Additional notes

    Before installing the kemo repeller, clean the place of installation thoroughly.

    Martens mark their territory with scent traces and can become very aggressive if they sense the smell of another marten in their district - the smell can attract them despite the use of the Отпугиватель Kemo. We recommend using professional No-Marten Smell , available at our other auctions. Assembly and installation of the device may only be performed by persons with appropriate knowledge and skills required in the field of electrical installations.

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