AQUA Coating Set 9h 100ml coating, booster, ipa

AQUA Coating Set 9h 100ml coating, booster, ipa

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AQUA Coating Set 9h 100ml coating, booster, ipa

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15310,00 грн
Coating AQUA set, 9H, 100 мл ceramic coating + Booster 100 мл + IPA RRC 1л set contains:

1 шт. AQUA Coating 9H 100ml керамическое покрытие

1 шт. Coating AQUA Booster 100 мл - Coating conditioner

1 шт. RRC IPA 1L - Isopropyl alcohol IPA professional cleaning agent for painted surfaces.

4 шт. Microfiber 30x30cm 220g in a randomly selected color


AQUA Coating 9H - отличное керамическое покрытие для специальных задач.

The composition of the preparation, as well as the use of innovative technologies in it, guarantee perfect and professional protection for each type of лак горячей сушки.

What's more, this extraordinary coating has SELF-REGENERATING PROPERTIES and its durability can last from two to even three years. вам нужно надежное керамическое покрытие?

Bet on the proven A QUA Coating 9H and join the group of delighted users! продукт был создан специально для профессиональных детейлеров.

AQUA Coating 9h

Perfectly fills small царапин on the car's paintwork, adds depth to the surface on which it will be applied, guarantees an extraordinary smoothness of the surface, has self-healing properties, emphasizes the color of the paintwork and provides it with a unique gloss guarantees a high degree of hydrophobicity is very durable is resistant to царапин is efficient is easy to apply, it copes well even with aggressive chemicals

The durability of AQUA Coating 9H is 24-36 months.
Directions for use:
  1. Apply about 8 drops of AQUA Coating 9H on the dry applicator. this amount is enough to cover about half of a medium-sized Body element (the already soaked applicator means that fewer drops may be needed for further application).
  2. Spread the coating on the лак горячей сушки by making cross movements.
  3. After waiting for about 30-60 seconds, remove the excess product with the first microfiber (the product crystallizes quickly, so does not wait too long).
  4. используйте второе микроволокно для полировки поверхности, пока оно не станет глянцевым.
  5. после нанесения покрытия на все автомобильные части, оставьте их в благоприятных погодных условиях в течение 24 часов.
  6. Make sure the temperature does not drop below 10 degrees.
  7. For the best effect, we recommend applying not one, but two layers of AQUA Coating 9H.
  8. Necessarily 10 hours. after applying the last layer of AQUA Coating PRO 9H, apply Coating Booster !!!

подготовить автомобиль для покрытия:

  • clean the лак горячей сушки (deironization, decontamination + clay treatment)
  • clean the surface safely and thoroughly
  • make a mechanical paint correction
  • degrease the car body (preferably twice).
  • Important additional information:

    Remember that the applied coating dries very quickly, so large elements such as divide the mask into two parts. Take care of good lighting when applying the coating.

    Protect the surface from moisture for 24 hours after application. The coating must not come into contact with unfavorable weather conditions for the first 7 days.

    Never use the product on a hot or damp surface.

    не применять AQUA Coating 9H in the rain или in direct sunlight.

    Don't let the temperature IT below 10 degrees. используйте специальный Аква-аппликатор, который позволит вам применять покрытие корректно.

    Use appropriate personal protective equipment during application. Wash the car protected by the coating by hand at least every two weeks.

    Note-important information!

    грязь является самым разрушительным фактором, когда она приходит к разрушению свежего, необузданно закаленного покрытия! кто попадает в нее. Consequently, for two weeks after application (i.E. for the period in which the coating hardening takes place), the customer should pay close attention not excessively dirty his car. И теперь самая важная вещь: если бы это было так быстро, то мыть поверхность с нейтральным агентом было бы гораздо менее вредно для покрытия, чем оставлять грязь на нем.

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    Aqua Coating Booster

    продукт посвящен частичному обслуживанию водных покрытий 9h , но он также подходит для других керамических кварцевых покрытий, а также резиновых мембран. он постоянно привязан к поверхности покрытия, перестраивая его.

    это может быть использовано как самостоятельный продукт-Спасибо за это, мы обьясним экстраординарную глубину цвета и удивительного блеска, а также сенсационный визуальный эффект. Этот продукт будет дополнительно усиливать гидрофобность поверхности, которая будет покрыта ею, и это тело будет поддерживать ее чистоту и блеск для более длительного времени.

    Regular use of the product extends the life of ceramic coatings and rubber равна . The product does not require complicated surface preparation and its application is really simple.

    RRC IPA Isopropyl alcohol - characteristics: <улей>
  • cleaning agent for varnished surfaces based on alcohol
  • dissolves oils, greases and other примеси
  • The product is recommended for обсаливая the surface during paint renovation, in order to remove the residues of polishing pastes or before применение waxes or other coatings.
  • готовая к использованию подготовка
  • when used as recommended, it is safe for the surface to be cleaned
  • RRC IPA is made of virgin isopropyl alcohol. There are 2 classes of solvents on the market:
  • - virgin (new) solvents, such that have not been used previously for any process;

    - secondary (regenerated) solvents, those that have previously been used in technological processes. After cleaning, such solvents are sold on the secondary market as lower purity solvents and may contain undesirable compounds (aldehydes, ketones, acids и т.) that may damage the paintwork or other surface. isopropyl alcohol IPA-directions for use: <улей>

  • apply the product on a clean microfiber
  • clean the surface thoroughly
  • wipe dry
  • isopropyl alcohol IPA-рекомендации: <улей>
  • product for professional use
  • keep out of the reach of children
  • flammable product
  • не подвергать агента замораживанию или переохлаждению
  • before application, make sure that the surface to be cleaned is cool, Not apply in direct sunlight
  • store in a dry and cool place at 5-25 ℃
  • protect the skin during application, the agent is irritating
  • не use on uncoated plastics, it may cause discoloration
  • Microfiber 30x30cm 220г in a randomly selected color 4 pcs.

    материал composition:

  • polyester 85%,
  • полиамид 15%
  • #KINGOFDETAILING голограмма You will get a hologram and a sticker with a diameter of 30mm for free

    Attention! You will receive a hologram for the entire order, not for individual products.

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