Soft99 Triz PREMIUM 100ml Coating MEGA GLOSS!

Soft99 Triz PREMIUM 100ml Coating MEGA GLOSS!

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Soft99 Triz PREMIUM 100ml Coating MEGA GLOSS!

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Код товара:
2816,00 ₴
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Soft99 TRIZ PREMIUM 100ml < / div >

хотите ли вы расширить уникальность вашего автомобиля?

Спасибо за улучшенную формулу Triz PREMIUM, вы добьетесь этой цели без каких-либо проблем, и thicker protective layer will prevent dirt from getting in and will allow you enjoy a greater shine of the car body for even longer.

After application, it does not require spreading with a sponge and rinsing with water.

The improved PREMIUM formula of the preparation allows for the creation of a thicker protective layer and a greater gloss.

специализированная ткань связана с подготовкой, которая максимизирует эффект и применение.

Directions for use:

  1. Before application, rinse off dirt, sand и т. д. из кузова автомобиля. Уотер.
  2. Before opening, shake the bottle well, set the sprayer in position and spray the surface of the car body in the places where are drops of water.
  3. Wipe off the preparation while squeezing the water out of the cloth.

Capacity: 100ml

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