PC-213C - Nissan QASHQAI J10 06-14 CABIN FILTER

PC-213C - Nissan QASHQAI J10 06-14 CABIN FILTER

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PC-213C - Nissan QASHQAI J10 06-14 CABIN FILTER

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Код товара:
3010,00 ₴
< div class= "text" > CLEAN FILTER CABIN FILTER


A reputable brand

PMC сделано в Японии

Pacific MFG ., The owner of the PMC brand, is one of the best Filter manufacturers in Japan with nearly 70 years of experience! CLEAN FILTER type " C " is the highest line of filters in the PMC offer !!!

Dimensions :

  • Length: 263 мм
  • ширина: 190 мм
  • Height: 19 мм
  • The filter is made of the highest quality Japanese active carbon filter материал. Материалы использовались и качество работ оставляли европейскую конкуренцию далеко позади!

    It stops not only PM2.5 (2.5 мкм) dust, but also shows over 50% efficiency in захват 0.3-0.5 мкм particles (i.e. almost 10 times smaller !!! )

    The deodorization обеспечивает function the removal of unwanted odors. The filter has antibacterial, Anti-mold, Anti-allergic and anti-viral properties.

    Suitable for :

    NISSAN QASHQAI model year 2006-2014

    Below is a comparison of the PMC product with a filter from a reputable supplier on the so-called "first assembly" (on the example of PC-112C):

    Another comparison, this time with a filter from a reputable German OE supplier - on the example of the PC-112C (on the right). Пожалуйста, обратите внимание на качество работы.

    Why is it worth обеспечивать the VIN number of the car when buying?

    по предоставлению VIN number, мы можем проверить 100%, когда приобретенный товар будет пригоден для подаренной модели автомобиля.

    Directories contain errors! Before buying, provide the VIN number of the car, we will confirm if the part is suitable for your car model!

    Дополнительная информация
    Состояние Новый
    Номер детали PC-213C
    Каталожный номер оригинала 27277-EN025, AY684-NS009, AY685-NS009,
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