Интеллектуальное зарядное устройство ADCHARGER 4.0

Интеллектуальное зарядное устройство ADCHARGER 4.0

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Интеллектуальное зарядное устройство ADCHARGER 4.0

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2627,00 ₴
Intelligent battery charger ADCHARGER 4.0

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The ADCHARGER 4.0 инвертор rectifier is a device that allows you to charge all types of batteries .

It has the functions of testing the генератор and starter in vehicles with a 12 в installation.

the product is veryWell made and enjoyshigh reliability . Спасибо его маленьким размерам, зарядное устройство будет легко вписываться в любой автомобиль или гараж.

The device is пыле and waterproof (12.5 л / мин) thanks to the compliance with the protection class IP65, which is a standard from PN-EN 60529: 2003 .

The rectifier can charge with a voltage of 6 V or 12 В. It has adequate protection against обратная полярность, overload and short-circuit as well as sparking when connecting to the battery poles.

Thanks to a part of a small hanger built into the rear axle, we can easily hang it in the garage near the car or battery.

The implemented technology "microprocessor control of the charging process " and the use of a 10-phase charging cycle allows the battery to be left connected without the risk of damaging it .

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Technical data: <улей>
  • модель: Adler ADCHARGER 4.0
  • напряжение питания:230 В
  • максимальная потребляемая мощность: 70 Вт
  • зарядное напряжение: 6V / 12V
  • максимальный ток зарядки:4 A
  • Capacity of rechargeable batteries: 1.2 ~ 120 (Ah)
  • Charging modes: selection of charging voltage and battery type
  • защита:10 (A)
  • Housing Protection class (согласно PN-EN 60529: 2003 ): IP65
  • Type of starting of charging connectors: клешни ( + ) / ( - ), loops ( + ) / ( - )
  • вес:0.5 (кг)
  • Dimensions: 17.5 x 8 x 4.5 см (лдг)
  • Included:

  • интеллектуальное зарядное устройство ADCHARGER 4.0
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