GPS локатор, мониторинг, трекер + русский сервер

GPS локатор, мониторинг, трекер + русский сервер

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GPS локатор, мониторинг, трекер + русский сервер

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Код товара:
7603,00 ₴
Professional GPS system for Vehicle monitoring.

это не игрушка больше ... it's a revelation ....

the system is massively used by transport companies and companies with a fleet of cars

Complete configured set with SIM card !!!

Can be permanently installed in the vehicle for installation (we only connect + and -).

the device has an excellent GPS receiver and can be hidden under the hood or anywhere invisible in the vehicle - other low-cost devices must be in view.

a web server in Russian is FREE OF CHARGE - and not for 1 year, but for the entire period of operation !!! <улей>
  • Now you can watch the vehicle or other object live.
  • You can also play his routes-up to six months back.
  • And all of this on your own computer or on your own phone.
  • применение: passenger car, truck, bus, bus, motorcycle, trailer, tow truck, motorhome, boat - wherever there is a 12 or 24V power supply
  • Free application for Android or iPhone

    The perfect solution for one vehicle as well as a car fleet in the company

    No subscription fees for the server for the entire period of use !!!

    The only cost of use is the cost of долива up the SIM card - the first year you already have the card charged - and within one year of purchase you top up the card with a maximum amount of EUR 20 (remotely via the Internet on the GSM network operator's website. И это достаточно для другого целого года и т.

    вы хотите увидеть, как это работает до того, как вы купите - напишите нам и мы отправим вам доступ к демо-счету, где вы увидите, как наши реальные транспортные средства ездят.

    у вас есть любые вопросы - позвоните нам или напишите нам - мы объясним все точно.

    We ship by courier immediately or pickup in person - now in Гдыня and Warsaw

    Our devices are already used by private car owners, transport companies (тракторы, грузовики, автобусы, автобусы), security agencies, leasing companies, Car rentals, Yacht charters, construction companies in construction machinery

    are you looking for an unusual GPS locating solution-we will definitely find a solution for you-call us, write!

    We offer other models of GPS locators.

    the price includes a fully configured device-already with a SIM card with a data transmission package

    The installation of the device does not require professional knowledge or помехам with the installation of the vehicle.

    For vehicles traveling abroad, i.e. in the European Union countries we have a great solution (we never charge any fees). единственная стоимость - это плата за GSM Network operator-maintaining A SIM card throughout the European Union is a maximum of PLN 20 за год !!!

    you top up the card yourself once a year with the amount of PLN 20.

    Call us, write us and we will explain the details.

    Call us or write ... мы поможем, мы объясним, как это работает !!!

    We can send you a demo Server access and description.

    This device has a built - in GPS module and a GSM module with the function of using GPRS Data transmission. GPS и GSM антенны также встроены в эту модель. Это уникальное устройство и, несмотря на встроенные антенны, оно обеспечивает отличные параметры GPS и GSM-покрытия. Устройство, даже под капотом или под транспортным средством, или даже внутри большого грузовика, имеет хорошие GPS-диапазоны. Влагостойкое жилье.

    This monitoring system enables classic vehicle positioning and has a number of unique functions:

  • determining the location of the vehicle at a given moment via the web platform or via a mobile phone (maximum 3 telephones to be programmed)
  • on-line Vehicle tracking-FREE
  • observation of historical data
  • встроенный полимерный аккумулятор 2000mAh
  • (information about cutting off the car battery with the vehicle s location sent to pre-programmed numbers + information about low battery condition)
  • car Alarm function with geographical location-The built - in shock sensor acts as an Alarm system and the economical mode of the built-in battery
  • overspeed Alarm function
  • exit Zone Alarm function
  • built-in help/panic button
  • сильные магниты, чтобы даже временно установить систему
  • водонепроницаемый
  • the vehicle monitoring system is controlled and managed through 2 channels:
  • - Web platform:
  • - мобильный телефон - max 3 numbers that can be programmed in the central unit
  • The vehicle monitoring система постоянно sends information about the position of the vehicle through the GPRS data transmission technology directly to the server. Доступ к веб-серверу свободен. Каждый пользователь имеет индивидуальный логин и пароль. Таким образом, любой компьютер с доступом в Интернет достаточно, чтобы иметь возможность всесторонне управлять системой мониторинга транспортных средств.

    in addition, we can manage the system через наш мобильный телефон. Мы можем проверить, где транспортное средство находится в любое время, получая ссылку с устройства с точной активной картой и местоположением транспортного средства. Мы также можем переформулировать номер задач по телефону.

    such a system can be used for the positioning / tracking of private or business vehicles as well as for other solutions

  • Passenger Vehicle positioning / tracking
  • truck positioning / tracking
  • Bus positioning / tracking
  • Taxi positioning / tracking
  • позиционирования / слежения people - small size and built-in battery
  • animal позиционирования / слежения - small size and built-in rechargeable battery
  • positioning / tracking shipments - small dimensions and a built-in battery as well as a strong GPS receiver mean that the signal is received even inside the truck
  • Before use

    Installing A SIM card-currently, as part of the promotion, you will receive a SIM card for free

    The device is equipped with a GSM модем SIMCOM 900 (850/900/1800/1900 Мгц), and put the SIM card in the pocket, which you slide out by pressing the yellow button under the rubber cover (


    we open the rubber cover from the arrow side, from the right). После вставки SIM-карты, подключения центрального блока к источнику питания (через адаптер батареи, mains socket или car cigarette lighter socket)

    The set includes as standard: a control panel with a built-in GPS module and GSM (GPRS) модем, adapter cable for connecting to a 12 / 24V battery, USB power cable, USB сигаретой lighter adapter, AC adapter with USB socket,

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