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2746,00 ₴
< H1>GPS locator Lk710 Monitoring with Fuel cut-off function APP RU

Location via a website or smartphone

The application is available in Polish

The device is a subscription-free locator model. Он оснащен GPS и GSM-модулем, спасибо, что пользователи получают точные данные с местоположением и постоянным мониторингом объекта - как грузовики, автомобили, строительная техника, лодки, квадроциклы или мотоциклы

Location information is transmitted via the GSM module, which enables Data management. Через это решение, пользователь может контролировать различные типы транспортных средств.

The locator is equipped with a bundle of + / - cables, which should be connected to a constant 9-100V power supply

свободный доступ к онлайн-серверу также возможен, что позволяет вам управлять устройством через выделенное приложение для iOS, Android и веб-браузера.

the device has ability to track via a website and an application installed on a smartphone

Works with any operater'S SIM card. The card cannot have a PIN code.

Car GPS Tracker, which has been specially designed for various types of vehicles, has a wide operating voltage range of 9-100V DC, compatible with most vehicles on the market!

the most advanced technology of GPS and LBS allows for fast and highly accurate positioning. The accuracy of the locator is 5-15m

Moreover, it can be directly connected to the vehicle battery for continuous operation without the need for recharging. The device supports 4 GSM frequency bands (850/900/1800/1900 МГц), it can work perfectly all over the world!

программное обеспечение и сервер отслеживания устройств-это свободная жизнь, вы не должны беспокоиться о ежемесячных подписных счетах и длительных контрактах.

1. Locator in a compact slim housing

2. A wide range of operating voltages of 9-100V allows for installation in virtually any vehicle.

3. Способность удаленно отключать и восстанавливать мощность топливного насоса через SMS через приложение или веб-сайт. Машина может быть остановлена в любое время.

4. GPS + LBS dual Vehicle locating technology. By default, the device works in GPS technology, which allows you to determine the position of the vehicle with an accuracy of 5-15м. If the GPS signal is disturbed or absent, e.g. in the underground garage, the locator switches to the LBS (Location Based Service) positioning mode with an accuracy of 100-1000m depending on the number of transmitters in the area. В городских районах, точность гораздо выше из-за большого числа сотовых сетевых передатчиков

5. Positioning in real time on Google Maps on a mobile phone, tablet, computer with a refresh of min every 10S (by default, The refreshing is set to 30s)

6. Recreating the history of traveled routes using the application or on the website 6 months back.

7. Energy Saving Mode: the device automatically enters the Energy Saving Mode when is no vibration for 3 minutes. The power save mode turns off automatically when vibration is detected

8. Overspeed alarm: If the vehicle drives at a speed greater than the set speed for 5 minutes, the tracker will send a message to the administrator's phone number exceeded speed"

9. Эта функция позволяет вам уведомить администратора через SMS о обнаружении вибраций локатора за 5 минут.

10. Movement Alarm: When the vehicle is stationary for 10 minutes, the user can activate the vehicle movement alarm by an appropriate command. Если транспортное средство меняет свое положение на 500 м в отношениях к широте и долготе, SMS будет отправлено с appropriate content

11. Virtual fence: possibility of setting the radius (circle) of the area from the parking place in which the vehicle can move, when this border is exceeded, the device will send a message to the mobile phone.

12. Voltage cut-off alarm: the device will inform us by SMS about lack of power supply or its disconnection. (устройство продолжает работать благодаря встроенной батарее)

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Technical data

  • Dimension 31 (Л) Х 31 (Ш) х 57 мм (В)
  • вес 29.3 г
  • 2G GSM / GPRS networks
  • 2 г группа GSM: 850/900/1800/1900 МГц
  • GPS sensitivity-159dbm
  • GPS accuracy 5 м
  • фунтов Accuracy 100-2000 м
  • GPS activation time 45 s
  • рабочее напряжение 10-40V DC
  • Built-in 3.7 v 80mAh полимерный литий-ионный аккумулятор
  • температура хранения -40 ° C до + 85 ° C
  • рабочая температура -20 ° C до + 65 ° C
  • размер корпуса: ниже 2 дюйма
  • Special Features: Voltage Cut Alarm, Remote Fuel Cutoff, Vibration Alarm
  • ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Device connection +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    The fuel cut-off with the LKGPS2 application can be performed after setting the administrator number.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++ STARTING THE DEVICE ++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++

    We insert the active SIM card into the device with funds on the account. We connect the power supply + / - Red / black cable

    рядом с слотом для карт, есть микро-переключатель включения / выключения, переключатель включения (зеленые и синие светодиоды начнут мигать)

    the proper configuration of APNs is required for the proper operation of the locator

    to this, send 3 SMS messages in the following order: (note the "" sign is only used to separate the content from the SMS message, not enter it in the text of the SMS)

    The user'S APN name and APN password should be checked with your mobile operator

    1 SMS with the following text: "apn123456 (space) "интернет" - the number of the card in the locator

    2 SMS with the text "apnuser123456 (space) "интернет" - the number of the card in the locator

    3 SMS with the text "apnpasswd123456 (space) "интернет" - the number of the card in the locator

    E. g:

    For the PLAY network only 1 sms "apn123456 (space) internet" (username and password are empty)

    For the ORANGE 3 network sms "apn123456 (space) интернет", "apn123456 (space) "интернет" "apnpasswd123456 (space) "интернет"

    Without sending an SMS, the location will not be visible on the application

    After sending 3 SMS messages, we can log in the website or application on the phone.

    NOTE: the correct location appears in about 2-3 hours after Device activation. You should wait this time and then change the location of the locator (eg. drive several meters)

    If the locator does not respond to SMS commands, try to send them with capital letters (it depends on the device version), e.g. APN123456 internet

    1. Tracking via the online platform

    перейти на сайт:,

    Please select " IMEI / ID No. "

    IMEI number: (located on the locator housing)

    The default password is 123456

    Logging in via the LKGPS2 application (available in the PLAY store for РУБЛЕЙ 0)

    Please select " IMEI / ID No. "

    Server: LKGPS

    IMEI number: (located on the locator housing)

    the default password is 123456

    If the application does not start, restart the phone


  • GPS трекер реле
  • руководство Пользователя
  • the proof of purchase
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