AQUA COSMETICS Wheel Coating 100ml Rim Coating

AQUA COSMETICS Wheel Coating 100ml Rim Coating

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AQUA COSMETICS Wheel Coating 100ml Rim Coating

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Код товара:
6118,00 ₴

AQUA Wheel Coating is a revolutionary, durable and hydrophobic coating for the protection of aluminum, chrome, painted and отполированный римс.

после использования этого, rims are much less dirty, and you no longer Need strong alkaline or acid agents to wash them.

формула покрытия AQUA Wheel была разработана таким образом, что покрытие невидимо для глаз после применения, и в то же время идеально защищает rims.

a single application of the preparation provides protection for up to 24 months. Благодаря высокой гидрофобности, surfaces protected with the preparation reflect water molecules and prevent the formation of stains.

очистка rims also becomes much easier thanks to the reduced adhesion of dirt. AQUA Wheel Coating is an innovative formula that does not compromise!

Clean and tidy rims are every driver's dream. Однако, это было известно за долгое время, что в заказе на достижение такого эффекта вам нужно положить много энергии и возможностей для ухода за римами.

is there any other better solution? Fortunately, yes!

AQUA Wheel Coating is a very durable, extremely resistant and hydrophobic coating for the protection of aluminum, chrome, varnished and отполированный римс.

после использования этого, rims не только получить much less dirty, но также No strong alkaline or acid agents are needed to wash them.

TheAQUA Wheel Coating formula была разработана таким образом, что покрытие невидимо для глаз после применения, и в то же время идеально защищает автомобиль rims.

Depending on the conditions, a single application of the preparation provides Surface protection for up to 24 months, therefore it is extremely efficient product.

The high hydrophobicity of AQUA Wheel Coating makes the surfaces protected with the preparation effectively reflect water particles and prevent the formation of stains.

в повороте, благодаря более низкой адгезии impurities (E. G.road salt, dust или mud) очистка оправы становится намного легче, требует меньшего эффекта и не должен быть сделан, как часто, как до применения Аква колеса покрытия.

a great advantage of theAQUA Wheel Coating coating is also the ease of application. Это достаточно тщательно очистить и разложить защищенную поверхность,

apply the preparation on it, and after a few minutes polish The cleaned surface with a dry microfiber cloth (detailed instructions for the Aqua Wheel Coating application are attached to the product).

In summary, AQUA Wheel Coating is:

  • less dirty римс,
  • easier cleaning,
  • high hydrophobicity of protected surfaces,
  • sensational performance,
  • impressive durability (до 2 лет! ),
  • simple application.

    Directions for use:

  • Before применение the coating, thoroughly clean the protected surface and degrease it twice (you can use isopropyl alcohol)
  • The coating is best applied with straight lines directly on the surface using an applicator or a special coating cloth.
  • Wait a few minutes and polish the surface to be cleaned using a dry microfiber cloth.

    Note: AQUA Wheel Coating should not be applied in full sun, at temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius or on hot elements.

    Perfectly secured rims in your car? Из курса! Try our amazing AQUA Wheel Coating and see how easy it is to take care of it!

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