Alan Black magnetic CB antenna-Polish-German production
The offered radio is an excellent communication system for the route. Vacation or weekend trips-ask for directions, avoid traffic jams.
CB radio is a much better communicator than Janosiki and other inventions. президент Билл
the newest and smallest cbradio from Presdient Electronics.
President BILL is the first compact CB radio with a built-in USB socket for charging many modern devices (telephones, recorders, GPS) without disturbing the system.
Miniature dimensions and a solid Aluminum radio Body allow for any Radio installation.
The prepared set is an excellent communication system for winter and summer trips, we receive valuable information around the clock.
Parameters and Features:
The offered set includes:
- President BILL ASC radio
- 73см Alan Black magnetic antenna
- Microphone with channel change
- Microphone holder
- Радио mount
- Polish User manual
- Declaration of Conformity
- Сигаретой lighter plug installed
- ARTURSSS company lanyard
We are not a corporation !!!
You buy equipment that we check before shipment-we set the Polish range (RU) and pre-set it.
We have been on the market for over 15 years,
Polish Phu ARTURSSS = support-warranty-help and advice.