Heat shrink hose 2.4 / 1.2-C black 3/32 NA201024BK / 100шт. /
галоген free: No.
UL Certification: No.
Length: 1000
EAN: 5901592101296
Wall thickness after shrinkage: 0.5100
Manufacturer's index: NA201024BK
Color: Black
модель: Thin-walled
способность печатать: No.
внутренний диаметр после сокращения: 1.2000
Inner diameter before shrinking: 2.4000
коэффициент усадки: Other
With glue inside: No.
Диапазон рабочих температур: 105
Диапазон рабочих температур: -30
Nominal diameter in inches: Other
Note: The dimensions provided by the Manufacturer, such as dimensions or weight, are expressed in gross terms, i.e. including the packaging.
our CATEGORY: ACCESSORIES and EQUIPMENT / Heat-shrinkable sleeves
вес: 0
our STORE NO: 161684
EAN: 5901592101296
CAT NO .: / SKU: 0004-00011-79097
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