Ford S-Max MK1 2006-2015 И also version with glass roof
The offered set обеспечивает и very quick and hassle-free assembly. Крыша стойки была посвящена машине, которая гарантирует идеальную посадку. The aerodynamic профили of the trunk reduces air resistance and reduces the fuel энергопотреблением of the vehicle. The offered Roof bars are equipped with A 20 mm mounting channel for T-type slides , which makes them ideal for mounting:
Bicycle grips
ski holders
roof boxes (after using the adapter)
other accessories mounted on the T-slot
The method of mounting the roof rack - assembly with the factory mounting points
Dedicated rack - each Cruz roof rack assembly kit посвящен конкретной модели автомобиля. This guarantees A perfect fit
Integrated beams - the roof rack with feet covering the Beam profile, fits perfectly with modern vehicles. Дизайн помогает уменьшить потребление топлива при движении с багажником и подавлении шума, вызванного сопротивлением воздуха
Versatility - full-size "T" mounting channel allows for quick and safe mounting of additional accessories on the trunk
Lowered height - низкий профиль ног, соединяющий луч к крыше. Handles equipped with soft rubber covers that cover the space between the beam fastening point and the roof