through which you can see, while maintaining a black gloss-ONLY WITH US-photos below
3 см hump, чтобы защитить против отмены ветра вкусы для шлема(другие размеры находятся в согласии с заводским ветровым стеклом)
precise workmanship and high optical quality
Crack resistant
- photos are the property of our company - all rights reserved -
visibility: thanks to the use of cleaned makrolon, visibility is maintained and the glass is black at the same time (this is especially important when driving very fast with the driver's inclined position)
better protection against wind: thanks to an increase (3 см-hump), the windshield provides better aerodynamics and wind protection (according to wind tunnel tests: approx. 15% better protection against wind than Factory glass)
perfect fit: thanks to the Injection method of production, the windshield fits perfectly in place of the mounts on the motorcycle
pane structure and no discoloration: the pane has a homogeneous structure without discoloration (we encourage you to compare our panes with others available on the market)
break-proof: safety for driver and passenger
photos: photos taken by our company guarantee the presentation of the real product (права на фотографии зарезервированы)
Better aerodynamics and wind protection:
smaller helmet gaps: устраняя или уменьшая вкус ветра на шлеме, увеличивает комфорт вождения и увеличивает концентрацию всадника
protection against rain: a raised height (3 CM hump) protects against rain better than factory glass
aesthetics and appearance: an aesthetically integrated hump looks attractive and expressive on a motorcycle
comfort for further trips
windshield dimensions: apart from the hump visible in the photo (which is a 3-cm increase at the maximum point), the dimensions of the windshield are in accordance with the factory glass used in the motorcycle
Detailed information:
Injection production: (Unlike glass produced by pressing like most panes on the market, injection-molded panes are more expensive to produce, have a better structure, no discoloration and are precisely matched)
made of pure polycarbonate: (акриловое стекло также доступно на рынке, из - за чего материал используется, легко ломается - что опасно, потому что острые фрагменты формируются тогда-производство акрилового стекла систематически отказано. На другой руке, поликарбонатное стекло не разбивается, ты можешь даже стоять на стекле без разбивания. Спасибо за использование чистого поликарбоната, стекло обесцвечено и visibility maintained. )
Visibility Comparison:
visibility on a sunny day (photo on the left)
visibility on a cloudy day (photo on the right)
Easy installation in place of the factory window using the screws existing on the motorcycle.
(we have special screws with inserts for mounting the glass separately, flat or sharp, anodized in various colors)
Enjoy your shopping:
individual clients
When you buy any 2 products from us, we will additionally send you a functional gift for the motorcycle for free
Also available:
Glass screws with insert (special Glass mounting kit, flat or sharp, anodized in various colors)
универсальные ветровые стекла, установленные на рулевое колесо в разных цветах (black, smoked, clear)
универсальное стекло, установленное на лампу (black, smoked)
Windshields посвящены конкретным моделям мотоциклов (dark, smoky, light)
Deflectors (accessory glass elevation, protection against rain and wind in a helmet)
Universal hand guards (защита от ветра и дождя)
a wide selection of various Motorcycle accessories