With disassembly as in the photo
Note Different engines may be present in one Vehicle model
Before buying, please compare the part with the photo and the numbers if they were given.
surest way to select a part is to check the product number currently fitted to the car.
Vehicle data: VOLVO V70 II D5
емкость: 2.4 D D5244T 163hp
Body type: 5 Combi DOORS
Type of fuel:
Year of production: 2003
диапазон производства: 2001-2007
версия: Европа
Stock code: VOLVO-VOV7001
The color and condition of the parts may slightly отличаются from the part shown in the photo
NOTE: Left side driver / right side passenger (EU)
The given data shows the entire production range of the model - the manufacturer could use several types of parts.
V70 II (285) 2.4 D5 (D 5244 TD 5244 T2 D 5244 T5) 2401CCM 163KM / 120kW 2001 / 01-2008 / 12
V70 II (285) 2.4 D5 AWD (D 5244 TD 5244 T2, D 5244 T5) 2401ccm 163KM / 120kW 2002/07 - 2007/08