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Mercedes-Benz AMG ballpoint pen.
Be IT small notes, spontaneous ideas or important information: the blue pen will allow you to jot Down everything important in no time. AMG Sound ballpoint pen изготовлен из пластика и стоит из-за его уникальной черной матовой отделки и логотипа AMG на корпусе. A special highlight: at the touch of a button, the pen recreates the sound of the engine of the Mercedes-AMG vehicle. - Color: black-материал: plastic-Blue ink-Plays the engine sound when a button is pressed
Exclusive products from the Mercedes-Benz Collection for various occasions.
Mercedes-Benz Collection.
Quality and design under The sign Of A star. Высококачественные аксессуары от Mercedes-Benz Collection accompany you around the clock. Высокое качество, функциональность и стиль. Watches, sunglasses, bags, model cars and gift items. Изучите мир Mercedes-Benz на ваших пальцах.