INJECTOR 8200380253 1.5 DCI - TESTED < / div > ✴ NO. PARTS: 8200380253
The injector presented at the auction is tested on a test bench. Каждый инжектор имеет индивидуальный тест на печать, подтверждающий соответствие стандартам производителя.
type Fuel type: < /B> Diesel
✴ Engine: 1.5 dci
Actions performed on the injector:
✴ Ultrasonic cleaning of Injection elements
CH Checking with a microscope(examination to exclude any damage that is invisible to the human eye)
CH Checking on the test bench
✴ защищает то the nozzles of the unit injector with свечи
✴ Vacuum packing (protects against external factors)
✴ Storage under appropriate conditions
✴ Suitable for vehicles:
примечание и 05-12 1.5 DCI
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✴ NO. PARTS: 8200380253
The injector presented at the auction is tested on a test bench. Каждый инжектор имеет индивидуальный тест на печать, подтверждающий соответствие стандартам производителя.
type Fuel type: < /B> Diesel
✴ Engine: 1.5 dci
Actions performed on the injector:✴ Ultrasonic cleaning of Injection elements
CH Checking with a microscope(examination to exclude any damage that is invisible to the human eye)
CH Checking on the test bench
✴ защищает то the nozzles of the unit injector with свечи
✴ Vacuum packing (protects against external factors)
✴ Storage under appropriate conditions
<улей>✴ RENAULT: