The subject of the offer is the gasket shown in the photo below:
Стан | Новий |
Номер за каталогом | 7340760 |
Стан | Новий |
Номер за каталогом | 7340760 |
The subject of the offer is the gasket shown in the photo below:
(код продукта: 7340760)
Yamaha FZ1 1000 N 2006-2015
Yamaha FZ1 1000 на ABS 2008-2015
Yamaha FZ1 1000 S Fazer 2006-2015
Yamaha FZ1 1000 s gt Fazer 2007
Yamaha FZ1 1000 являются Fazer ABS 2007-2015
Yamaha FZ1 1000 являются gt Fazer ABS 2007
< / div > < div class="text" >технические данные:
<улей>The exhaust gasket fits the places in the drawing " a "and"C"
Made of stainless steel with an admixture of graphite resistant to high temperatures.