Power steering pump WRC 4901524
Ordering no: WRC4901524
<улей>Стан | Новий |
Номер за каталогом | 4901524 |
Номери замінних деталей | 07B493B, 21G60297, 151052, 4160010, 8001539, 41602701, 715521052, 851515640, 7613955514, 7617955568, 7692974138, BCT51Z, DSP1524, HP1307, JPR455, KS00000106, KS01000076, KS01001545, PI0249, PUM1261, |
Оригінальний номер деталі | 4007CK, 1440121180, 9645653580, 9805820980, |
Ordering no: WRC4901524
<улей>Additional information: Parameters: - with a multi V-belt pulley - number of wedges: 6 - diam. pulley [мм]: 125 - Oil tank: mounted outside the pump - for steering gear manufacturers: ZF
Substitute numbers: PSA4007.CK4007 CK96 45 653 000 106K 5804007CK964565358098058209801440121180AMKPUM1261BOSCHK S00 S01 S01 001 000 076K 545KS00000106KS01000076KS01001545CARDONE21G60297DELCO REMYDSP 1524DSP1524DRI715521052ELSTOCK15-1052151052ERA BeneluxSP81307GENERAL RICAMBIPI0249LENCOSP3813LIZARTE04.16.001004.16.0270.104160010041602701 QUINTON HAZELLQSRPA344RQSRPA344SERCORE07B493BSHAFTECHP1307TRISCAN8515 15640851515640TRWJPR 455JPR455WATBCT51ZWRC4901524ZF7613.955.5147692 974 1387617 955 5688001 5397613 955 5148001539761395551476929741387617955568