мы должны предложить
задний хвостовой замок
хэтчбек Ford Focus Mk2 from 2004
Ford Focus C-MAX 2003-2007
Ford Galaxy 2006-2015
Ford Mondeo Mk4 хэтчбек / седан года 2007-2015
Ford S-MAX 2006-2015
Ford Galaxy 2006-2015
Ford Mondeo Mk4 хэтчбек / седан года 2007-2015
Ford S-MAX 2006-2015
Ford S-MAX 2006-2015
Attention!version with a plug for 5 pins
OE number:
ATTENTION! the above numbers are the numbers of the original parts whose item from this offer is a replacement. Before buying, it is absolutely necessary to compare them with the number of the original replaced part