Comparative No. *: 2469987 / 246-9987 / G1206
<улей>Can fit Cat machines: 312D / 315D L / 319D / 323D L 323D LN / 324D / 324D L / 324D LN / 325C / 325D / 325D L / 329D L / 330C L / 330D / 330D L / 330D LN / 330D MH / 336D L 336D LN / 345C / 345C L / 345D / 345D L / 365C / 365C L / 365C L MH / 374D L / 385C / 385C FS / 385C L / 385C L MH / 390D / 390D L / M313D / M315D / M316D / M318D / M318D MH / M322D / M322D MH / M325D L MH / M325D MH / M330D
Perfect quality replacement!
*) Comparative numbers, product code or catalog numbers are given only to enable the buyer to find them in catalogs and appear in his machine and do not mean that the item comes from the manufacturer of the original item.п>