Special pliers for the professional opening and re-closing of the adjustable Clic и Clic-R клешни.
Clic и Clic-R клешни are most commonly used on fuel lines.Ли>
pliers используются для loosen и re-tighten the reusable ties.Ли>
ASTA A-TC016 зажим набор:
the set includes 170 stepless bands in a handy organizer.
Стандарт бесступенчатая клешни designed for flexible and rigid thin-walled hoses.Ли>
clamping lug имеет тенденцию увеличивать силу зажима.Ли>
During tightening, visible deformation of the ear is evidence of proper closure.Ли>
The ties have a mechanical lock for a secure closure.Ли>
материал used for the production of the bands is stainless steel, which provides corrosion resistance and resistance to limescale страхования депозитов.Ли>