Epoxy paste for cast iron "liquid metal" 2: 1 Multibond 1614
Two-component epoxy paste for cast iron of the "liquid metal" type, gray, mixed 2: 1 by volume, medium setting time. Для ремонта и заполнения потерь и литья дефектов в литых железных и стальных изделиях. Does not drip off vertical surfaces. Хорошая тепловая проводимость.
repair and regeneration of pump and engine casings, gears, gearboxes,
filling cavities and gaps in castings,
regeneration of worn bearing seats and threads in metal тела,
possibility of precise machining after hardening The paste,
repairs in Car workshop mechanics and in industry (drive shafts, bearing seats, broken threads),
can be applied to vertical surfaces,
regeneration of machine beds, heavy transport equipment и т. д.,Ли>
Chemical Type: эпоксидная смола (a)
hardener (B)
Form: non-sagging paste
Color: Metallic gray
Вязкость: thixotropic paste
: 2.40 г / мл (A) / 1.60 г / мл (B)
Solvent content: no
Polymerization method: mixing 2: 1
время использования (+23 degrees C): 20 minutes
Setting time (+23 degrees C): 50-90min
Full mechanical strength: 24
полное химическое сопротивление: 14 days
Form: hard-elastic. полимерный материал
тепловое сопротивление: -50 + 180 градусов C
Compressive strength: 146 / мм2
прочность на изгиб: 92 / мм2
Big pack - 500g