the price is for one piece.
Suitable for vehicles such as:
АТО Akros 50
Pegasus Corona 25 Спорт
Pegasus Corona 25 Comfort
Pegasus Corona 25 Comfort Edition
Pegasus Corona 25 Sport Edition
Pegasus Corona 25
Pegasus Corona 50 Sport
Pegasus Corona 50 Comfort
Pegasus Corona 50 Sport Edition
Pegasus Corona 50 Comfort Edition
Pegasus Corona 50
Pegasus R 25
Pegasus R 50
Pegasus Шкипер 25 Спорт
Pegasus Skipper 25 Comfort
Pegasus Skipper 50 Comfort
Pegasus Skipper 50 Sport
Pegasus Sky 25
Pegasus Sky 25 High Wheels
Pegasus Sky 25 Express
Pegasus Sky 50
Pegasus Sky 50 High Wheels
Pegasus Sky 50 Express
Pegasus Solero 25
Pegasus Solero 50
TGB 101S 25
TGB 101S 50
TGB 303 50
TGB 303R 125
TGB 303R 25
TGB 303r 50
TGB 303RS 25
TGB 309 25
TGB 309 50
TGB 309RS 50
TGB Akros 50 Tec
TGB Akros 50
TGB Bullet 25
TGB Bullet 50
TGB Delivery Express 25
TGB Delivery Express 50
TGB F409 25
TGB F409 50
TGB High Wheels 25
TGB High Wheels 50
TGB Hook 25
TGB Hook 50
TGB Hook / Hawk 25
TGB Hook / Hawk 50
TGB R 25
TGB R 50
TGB Tapo 25
TGB Tapo 50
TGB / Winking 125
TGB / Winking 25
TGB / Winking 50
TGB / Winking 101S 50
TGB / Winking Akros 50
TGB / Winking Bullet 25
TGB / Winking Bullet 50
TGB / Winking Tapo 25
TGB / Winking Tapo 50
AP 50
AH 50 Address
AJ 50 Sepia
ay 50 Katana
UF 50 Estilete
Before buying, we recommend a visual comparison with the original part, there have been various modifications even on vehicles of the same type.