SuperPro sleeves and accessories are tried and tested in motorsport, which means that they provide excellent performance and performance characteristics. Innovative design and high-quality materials ensure better and more precise handling. Unlike some other polyurethane bushings, SuperPro products not increase vibration and noise, making them an excellent choice for everyday cars.
Toyota Hilux / 4Runner Front Upper Wishbone Bushingsthe set includes:
1) внутренние нижние рычаги 4 шт.
2) металлические рукава 4 шт.
3) Внешний рукав flanges 4 шт.
For assembly, instead of the original ones, use the flanges included in the set.
модель: Toyota Hilux LN107, RN106, LN111, Rn110 год: 8/1988 - 9/1997
модель: Toyota Hilux LN172, LN167, RZN169, KZN165R, RZN147, R, Vzn172y год: 10/1997-2004
модель: Toyota 4-Runner год: 8/85-10/1997
Our offer also includes other SuperPro bushings and Suspension elements for passenger cars, rally cars, racing cars, 4x4s, SuVs and pickups. Мы являемся эксклюзивным представителем Суперпро в Польше, мы приглашаем вас к сотрудничеству с рабочими.