Sensors and actuators of the Engine control system

Sensors and actuators of the Engine control system

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Sensors and actuators of the Engine control system

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1. Executive elements of the engine control system in workshop practice.Structure, operation, diagnostics - Gerald Schneehage , 2019, ed. 1, 108 страниц, 16.5x24 см формат, 162 illustrations, diagrams and drawings, weight 0.19 kg, soft cover

A practical guide on the actuators of control systems of modern gasoline and diesel engines of passenger cars and commercial vehicles. The self-diagnosis functions and the basics of gasoline and diesel fuel injection systems are described, and then various types of электромагнитная valves ( в том числе, additional air, fuel tank venting, fuel pressure, fuel dosing, fuel pressure limitation, AdBlue dosing, variable valve timing, exhaust gas recirculation, boost pressure limitation), electric motors (e.g. fuel pump, AdBlue feed pump, secondary air pump, throttle actuator, exhaust gas recirculation flap actuator, intake system flap valves, coolant pump), heating elements ( в том числе, lambda probes, glow свечи, fuel heaters, электрически regulated thermostat, pump and AdBlue tank) and ignition coils.

The формы волны of signals from individual actuators and their interpretation, recorded in real conditions, were presented.

Recipients: engineers and technicians specializing in cars, employees of workshops and car service stations, students of universities with the automotive специализацией в области and students of high schools with an automotive режимы.

- product code: WK-EWUSS-WPW

2. Engine control system sensors in workshop practice. Construction, operation and diagnosis using an oscilloscope - Gerald Schneehage, Polish, WŁ-WA 2017, ed. 2 wide, 118 pages, size 16. 5x24 см, approx. 190 illustrations, diagrams and drawings, вес 0.24 кг, soft cover

Professional guide, which describes about 30 types of sensors used in modern electronic control systems of spark ignition and compression ignition engines. Это представляет структуру, операцию и диагностику сенсоров, использующих осциллограф. Especially valuable материал are illustrations showing the signal формы волны of individual sensors, both correct and incorrect, as well as electrical diagrams of connections of individual sensors.

The second edition includes a description of the newly introduced types of sensors, such as the combustion chamber pressure sensor (built into the glow plug) and the potentiometric exhaust gas flap sensor (installed in the exhaust system after the particulate filter).

The guide is intended for мехатроники, electromechanics and car mechanics, high school students of motor vehicles, participants of qualification courses in the field of electrical and electronic vehicle systems, students and engineers specializing in automotive and all those involved in practical activities in the field of automotive technology.

- product code: WK-РУГАТЬ-2

ad1) - table of contents:

Интегрировать 7

1. Self-diagnosis function 9

1.1. БД системы 9

1.2. Actuator (driver) self-diagnosis 13

1.3. Measuring equipment 16

1.4. Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) 17

2. Gasoline injection system 19

2.1. Introductory information 19

2.2. Центральная топливная инъекция 20

2.3. Центральная топливная инъекция (Opel, Ford) 22

2.4. Multipoint indirect Fuel injection. 23

2.5. Direct fuel injection by solenoid injectors 26

2.6. Direct fuel injection by Piezo injectors 28

3. Дизельная система впрыска 31

3.1. Solenoid unit injectors 31

3.2. Piezoelectric Unit injectors 33

3.3. Система впрыска Common Rail 36

4. Соленоидные клапаны. 46

4.1. Auxiliary Air valve (idle Speed control valve) 47

4.2. Fuel Vapor discharge valve (fuel tank Vent valve) 48

4.3. Discharge section shut-off valve 50

4.4. Fuel pressure control valve (Common Rail) 51

4.5. Fuel dosing control valve (Common Rail) 52

4.6. Pressure limiting valve / Fuel dosing (direct petrol injection) 55

4.7. AdBlue dosing module 57

4.8. Variable valve timing solenoid 59

4.9. EGR recirculation valve 60

4.10. Charge pressure limiting solenoid valve (Brake Air bypass) 63

4.11. Electropneumatic Pressure transducer (EPW) 64

5. Electric motors 68

5.1. Fixed displacement electric fuel pump (si and CI engines) 68

5.2. Регулируемый электрический топливный насос 70

5.3. AdBlue feed pump 72

5.4. Secondary Air pump (si engine) 75

5.5. Throttle actuator 76

5.6. EGR flap valve positioner (дизельные двигатели) 78

5.7. Boost flap valves, intake manifold flap valves (zi engines) 80

5.8. Intake manifold swirl flap actuator (CI engine) 81

5.9. Регулятор давления Boost (turbocharger) 82

5.10. Electric coolant pump 84

6. Heating elements 86

6.1. Lambda Probe heater 86

6.2. Standard Glow plugs (older diesel engines) 88

6.3. Ceramic Glow plugs (newer diesel engines) 90

6.4. Fuel heater 92

6.5. Электрически регулируемый термостат 93

6.6. AdBlue pump and Tank heater, accompanying heating 95

7. Катушки зажигания 97

7.1. Introductory information 97

7.2. Classic ignition coils 97

7.3. 100 Double-ended ignition coils

7.4. Individual single-Field ignition coils 103

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ad2) - table of contents:

Интегрировать 7

1. Диагностика 9

1.1. Preliminary information 9

1.2. Occasional and static faults 12

1.3. Registering faults in the controller memory 14

1.4. Needle tips, connector adapters, box with plug-in sockets 17

2. Basic control quantities 20

2.1. Preliminary information 20

2.2. Inductive sensor 22

2.3. Датчик Холла 25

2.4. Оптический датчик RPM 27

3. Load sensors 29

3.1. Control ? / n 29

3.2. Damming Air flow meter 30

3.3. Intake Manifold Pressure sensor 32

3.4. Mass Air flow meter 36

3.5. Датчик положения педали акселератора 41

3.6. Checking potentiometers and Accelerator Pedal position sensors 45

4. Датчики температуры 52

4.1. Coolant Temperature sensor 52

4.2. Inlet air and charge air temperature sensors 55

4.3. Датчик температуры выхлопных газов 57

4.4. Датчик температуры топлива 61

5. Датчики давления 62

5.1. Датчик давления топлива 62

5.2. Boost pressure and charge air temperature sensors 65

5.3. Атмосферный датчик давления 67

5.4. Exhaust Gas differential Pressure sensor in gasoline engine exhaust Gas recirculation 68

5.5. Diesel exhaust gas differential Pressure sensor 70

5.6. Датчик давления Combustion chamber 72

6. Switches as sensors 75

6.1. Датчик положения педали тормоза 75

6.2. Датчик положения педали сцепления 77

6.3. Idle and full load contactors 79

7. Position sensors 83

7.1. Датчик положения дроссельной заслонки 83

7.2. Shaft rotation angle sensor in axial distributor injection pump 86

7.3. Boost Pressure регулятор положения датчика 88

7.4. Датчик положения клапана Exhaust Gas recirculation 90

7.5. Camshaft position sensor 91

7.6. Intake manifold Flap position sensor 96

7.7. Potentiometer sensor for exhaust Gas valve 96

8. Oxygen sensors in exhaust gas 99

8.1. Types of lambda probes 99

8.2. Lambda Voltage probe 101

8.3. Lambda Resistance probe 106

8.4. Широкополосный лямбда-зонд 109

8.5. Lambda probe after catalyst 111

9. Other Engine control system sensors 114

9.1. Knock sensor 114

9.2. Датчик подъема иглы инжектора 115

9.3. Vehicle Speed sensor 118

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About the author

Gerald Schneehage, после окончания школы, работал в качестве автомеханика в различных мастерских, а затем прошел мастер-экзамен. С 2004 года, после завершения внеочередных исследований в промышленной экономике, он работал в Палате ремесел в Ганновере, как тренер и руководитель профессионального семинара по обслуживанию мастеров и техников, как глава учебных курсов в области ремонта автомобилей.

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