Reactive anti-corrosion primer based on polyvinyl resins.
It provides excellent adhesion to various types of substrates and very high anti-corrosion resistance, also with поврежденных coating (царапин, paint chips).
предназначен для применения в тонких слоях в наборе с любым акриловым праймером.
used Substrates:
- steel,
- aluminum,
- гальванизированная сталь. .
Surface preparation:
Steel surfaces should be degreased and dry sanded with P120 - P240, the surface after treatment should be free of oil, grease, dust, old paint coating проводятся свободно bound to the substrate, mill scale, rust and foreign примеси.
the surface should have a uniform metallic color.
Degrease again with a silicone remover.
Degrease The aluminum surfaces and mat with an abrasive needled cloth. Degrease again,
Galvanized surfaces should be degreased and matted with a very fine-grained abrasive cloth.
Degrease again, apply primer.