does not будет interfere with CB Radio
подходит for all cars with CANBUS
there is a built-in anti-помехам filter in the converters
Does not show a burnt bulb !!!
в некоторых случаях, интерференция с CB PRESIDENT radio may occur, это возможно, чтобы попытаться установить за 10 дней, если вы не удовлетворены, вы можете вернуть товары.
the MOST PROFESSIONAL D1S XENON CONVERTER WITH 35W POWER for cars with and without CANBUS. Это очень хорошо на автомобильных компьютерах без ошибки или отключения питания. Его можно было использовать в машинах, оснащенных 12-вольтовой установкой. The converter works with the D1S filament
OUR HID LAMPS meet CE, TÜV E10R-022827 standards and DIN40050, SAE J575 and DIN40046 standards
The advantages of using Xenons include:
Improving security - strength and range of light - more bright and intense light improves visibility on the road. The brightness of HID filaments is approximately 3 times greater than than of standard halogens.
Ease of installation - you only mount converters and add filaments. Вы не нарушаете первоначальную электрическую систему автомобиля, вы не режете что-либо на заводе.
high energy savings - bulbs consume only 35W (ordinary halogen - 55ВТ), which means saving about 40%. This also reduces Fuel consumption
efficient operation - xenon bulbs work approx. 3000h, while the halogen bulb approx. 200h
attractive appearance of your car
техническая информация
сопротивление воды- < /B> DIN 40050 стандарт.Ли>
Dust resistance- DIN j575 standard
ударопрочность- DIN 40046 standard
темп. work- from approx. -40 C до +105 C
Actually the voltage- от 9V до 16v
and norms 3.2 a
et in max. 5.0 A
Luminance - approx. 3200LM
Working time - 10 longer than standard bulbs
The Xenon HID system is currently the pinnacle of technological achievement in the field of modern automotive lighting. По сути, это было использовано в самолетах, затем это было проверено в верхних и средних классах автомобилей.
The principle of operation of the Xenon light is based on the fact that the discharge burner (a glass lamp bulb equipped with two electrodes and filled with a noble gas - ксенон), after generating voltage converters by, obtains a specific temperature of light. The temperature degree is responsible for the color of the light, and yes
6000K-is the white color (the most popular)
Xenon HID bulbs on other auctions as well