< div class="text" > the most powerful LED set for BMW Angel Eyes rings on the market
Ultra Performance F2 COB H8
Don't be fooled! The stories about car LED sets with a power of 10,000 lumens (or more), which is 15 times as much as an H8 halogen bulb emits, let's leave between The fairy tales. Вы не должны верить сказочным писателям. Ты можешь видеть себя и возвращать товары в течение 14 дней.
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the most powerful LED set that fits into BMW rings:
series 1:
E81 / E82 / E87 / E88 LCI after lifts (from 2007)
series 3:
E90 LCI седан after facelift (from 09.2008) - version with xenon
E91 LCI Touring after the lift (from 09.2008) - version with xenon
E92 LCI Coupe after the facelift (from 04.2007)
E92 LCI M3 after facelift (from 2008)
E93 Convertible before lift (от 2007 до 10.2010)
series 5:
E60 LCI седан after facelift (from 06.2007)
E61 LCI Touring after the lift (06.2007)
series 6:
E63 Купе (from 07.2007)
E64 Convertible (from 07.2007)
M6 (since 2008)
X series:
X5 E70 (from 2007)
X6 E71 (from 2009)
из серии:
E89 Z4 (from 2009)
both rings well lit
H8 / H11 галогенная лампа излучает световой поток approx. 1200 лум. Этот набор имеет поток 8000 люмен. Но лучшая фара не просто яркая. медное ядро с увеличенной тепловой проводимостью сделало его возможным довести светодиодные панели ближе к расстоянию 1 мм . As a result, Ultra Performance f2 COB lighting focuses the light exactly at the focal point of the lamp - где нужно осветить оба кольца.
LED нем of the world leader in the production of the highest quality LED
excellentthermal properties
highest надежность (controller away from the heat source)
full efficiency in less than 0.1 s
продолжительность жизни до 50,000 ч
active cooling system with rotational speed adapted to the core temperature reduces unnecessary noise and provides active cooling for the longest service life
technical specifications:
EMC system - additional FM / CB radio интерференционный фильтр
световой поток мощность: 8000 лум
bulb максимальная мощность: 36W
мощность лампы: 29W
сертификаты: FC, CE, RoHS
источник питания: 9-32V
Anti-interference filter: yes
LED lifetime: 50,000 h (почти 6 лет нон-стоп)
color: 6500K (white)
водонепроницаемый, пыленепроницаемый: IP65
LED technology: ZES
световой диапазон: + 30%
cooling: active, adaptive
thanks to the location of the LED driver in the box on the cable away from the heat source (LED нем), it was possible not only to achieve compact dimensions, but also to significantly minimize the risk of failure