Good Stuff-Large Set of car Cosmetics

Good Stuff-Large Set of car Cosmetics

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Good Stuff-Large Set of car Cosmetics

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Код товара:
2868,00 ₴
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A professional set of car cosmetics to start!

Good Stuff START KIT - в комплект входят все самые популярные хорошие вещи, спасибо, что ваш автомобиль будет хорошо защищен и будет сиять.

комплект позволяет вам тщательно мыть оправы, paintwork, Car interior, plastics, as well as apply a coating that protects The paint, which gives shine and depth. набор также включает продукт, который позволяет безопасно удалять насекомых из кузова автомобиля.

After using this kit, the car will be like new!

the set includes:

  • APC Green Tea 500 мл - A многоцелевой чистящий продукт
  • Bug Remover 500 мл - for removing insects
  • Gloss Detailer 500 мл - gives a hydrophobic coating and depth of the лак горячей сушки
  • Iron Remover 500 мл - for cleaning rims
  • интерьер очиститель малина 500 мл - for cleaning the cockpit
  • Pure Shampoo 500 мл - Car shampoo
  • детализация кисти (размер 6")
  • 3 x Soft Microfiber 220 gsm < /b > (30 x 30 см) - random color
  • Sticker
  • Good Stuff Bug Remover For removing insects from the car 500 мл

    the product was developedfor the effective and safe removal of insects from the car body. Это безопасно для краски, пластика и стекла. It does not affect previously applied waxes and protective coatings . Это характерно для высокой эффективности и легкости.

    Directions for use:

    Spray plenty of body parts, wait about 30 seconds, rinse with water under pressure. Repeat all steps if necessary.

    Notes: Не позволяйте продукту быть сухим, не использовать горячие элементы или на солнце.

    Capacity: 500 мл

    Good Stuff Gloss Detailer 500 мл Synthetic Quick Detailer, highly hydrophobic

    Good Stuff Gloss Detailer - is a synthetic quick detailer for fast Paint protection. Чрезвычайно легко применять.

    the most important features:

  • Simple application
  • High gloss
  • Strong hydrophobic effect
  • высокая производительность
  • Nice smell
  • Durability 3-4 weeks
  • Directions for use:

  • Shake the bottle well before use
  • Apply the product in a shaded place and on a cool лак горячей сушки
  • Спрей microfiber or лак горячей сушки and spread the product
  • Reach the other side of the microfiber
  • Capacity: 500 мл

    Good Stuff Iron Remover 500 мл

    a liquid preparation for removing metallic impurities

    Good Stuff Iron Remover - это продукт, предназначенный для удаления металлических впечатлений с поверхности краски, колпаков и оправ.

    the most important features:

  • Safe for the cleaned surface (neutral pH)
  • Effective
  • Efficient
  • "Bleeding" effect
  • React quickly with pollutants
  • Directions for use:

  • Spray the product on the римс, hub caps or paintwork
  • Wait 2-3 minutes, depending on the conditions
  • If necessary, use a brush or brush To remove debris
  • Rinse the product thoroughly with water under high pressure

    not use the product in the sun или on hot elements. Не позволяй ему высохнуть. Before use, check the operation of the product in an inconspicuous place.

    Capacity: 500 мл

    Good Stuff Interior Cleaner Raspberry 500 мл внутренний очиститель (малина)

    Good Stuff Interior Cleaner Raspberry - is a product for cleaning most surfaces inside the car. Ready to use.

    the most important features:

  • готов к использованию
  • Safe for cleaned surfaces
  • Effective
  • Nice Raspberry smell
  • Directions for use:

  • Spray directly on the cleaned surface and work out the product with a brush
  • Collect the residue with a dry microfiber
  • Capacity: 500 мл

    Good Stuff APC Green Tea 500 мл

    универсальный очиститель

    Good Stuff APC Green Tea - is a universal cleaning product for surfaces inside and outside the vehicle. Это был приятный запах зеленого чая.

    the most important features:

  • Strongly концентрированной
  • Not suffocating
  • Nice smell
  • высокая мощность очистки
  • Directions for use:

  • Prepare the solution depending on the contamination from 1:4 to 1: 50
  • Spray The brush or the surface to be cleaned and work
  • Rinse the product with water or wipe with a dry microfiber
  • Attention:

    Before use, to the test in an inconspicuous place. Не используйте горячие элементы. Do not let it dry.

    Capacity: 500 мл

    Good Stuff Pure Shampoo 500 мл автомобильный шампунь с нейтральным pH

    Good Stuff Pure Shampoo - is a neutral pH Car shampoo, which makes it safe for waxes and protective coatings.

    the most important features:

  • Perfect glide
  • Gentle on waxes and coatings
  • Efficient
  • Highly foaming
  • Nice smell
  • It does not dry out quickly
  • Directions for use:

  • машина с напорной водой.
  • Pour 30-40 мл of the product into a bucket for every 10 liters of water.
  • Mix the shampoo with water(используйте более мощный поток воды для создания пены).
  • Wash the car with a microfiber mitt / sponge from top to bottom.
  • машина с напорной водой.
  • сухой автомобиль с полотенцем.

    Capacity: 500 мл