дополнительно: < /B> система ночного видения светоотражающие панели, ремень для обуви
the set includes 2 sets of shoelaces:
The waterproof REBEL WP Lady кроссовки are a combination of safety and urban style.< / div >
Don't be surprised by the weather!
WATERPROOF - The lining of The boots features a microporous NextDry membrane that keeps your feet dry when the weather get really wet.Ли>
VENTILATION - Made of genuine leather, they have perforated areas that allow air to flow freely and provide better thermal control.Ли>
The most important features.
SAFETY - Ergonomic rubber sole has been transversely reinforced. It provides excellent comfort and good adhesion in accordance with CE standards.Ли>
SAFETY - they have a reinforced heel, toes and ankle supported by ArmorPlus foam shock absorbers. The лодыжки is equipped with SAP лодыжки protectors made of TPU for additional support - for better stability and confidence of movement
Fasten your shoes and off you go!
FASTENING < /b > - у них есть дискретная молния на стороне, так что вы не должны расстегивать их, и положить на них и снять с них обувь всегда будет быстрой и легкой.Ли>
CONVENIENCE - a special strap with which the shoes are equipped will help you easily stretch the shoe over your foot,
Under control.
CONSTRUCTION - made with a special inclined structure adapted to the position of a motorcyclist,
GEAR SHIFT LEVER - for even greater comfort while driving, the toe area is embossed with non-slip material.Ли>
REFLECTIONS - система ночного видения сделана в микрофонной технологии, и рефлекторные панели были дискретно размещены в стратегических местах.Ли>