Belts Roadside Assistance Rubber HANDLES 4T 3M 50

Belts Roadside Assistance Rubber HANDLES 4T 3M 50

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Belts Roadside Assistance Rubber HANDLES 4T 3M 50

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The subject of the auction is brand new Transport Lanes

New! !! !! Rubberized tensioner buckles and locks! !! !!

4 шт = 1 комплект, ниже точное описание продаваемого комплекта

4 tensioners + 4 belts + 4 harnesses

+ 4 additional hooks-two-toed claws

Belts-3-point harness

typically Car - wheel belts

These are very strong belts because they are durable:

On the belt - 4 tons

Drawn - 2 Тонн

Belt length-2.7 meters

Tensioner length-0.3 meters

Total length-3 meters

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рукоятка натяжителя ремня длинная - новинка прорезиненная, что значительно облегчает обвязку груза, не требует большей силы

Belt width - 50mm


Polish production belts

the label on the belt and the tensioner is sewn in, which gives a longer life of the belt and the tensioner

Tape color shade: black

Depending on the batch, the tape may have a slightly different shade

belt strength [in belt]: LC = 4000 daN

СВЧ: 50 дан

STF: 350 daN

материал: PES

the production year is always current

Very good quality

Elongation & lt; 4%

не вешай, только крепче! !! !!

Compliant with the European standard EN 12195-2

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