ARCHOIL 9100 500ml Friction MODIFIER + ESTERS
The patented by ARCHOIL lubrication technology based on potassium nanoborate significantly reduces operational friction, защищает то the equipment against wear, extends the service life and reduces energy энергопотреблением.
AR9100 nanoborate уменьшает фрикцию до 0.037, которая вдвое лучше, чем friction coefficient of commonly used "micro boron" compounds and traditional lubricants based on zinc, phosphorus and others.
AR9100 outperforms the "micro бор" добавки and traditional chemical technologies of lubricating oils in several times the Falex Pin & Vee Block lubricity and load capacity tests with the results of 4000 lbs.
AR9100, когда он добавлял масло с эстерами, безопасно и эффективно удалял все депозиты, позволяя наноборам формировать прочные облигации на поверхности защищенного металла. Эстерс все больше усиливает представление смазочных материалов. Friction сокращается до 60-80% и износ уменьшается до 90%. AR9100 обходит все stringent requirements of today's lubrication systems. Уникальная производительность AR9100 во фрикционном снижении оплачивается в форме высокой антикоррупционной экономии в энергетике и топливе. AR9100 уменьшает количество энергии, необходимой для запуска устройств.
AR9100 lowers the noise level of the engine and reduces its vibration. Used simultaneously with the AR6200 combustion modifier in the fuel, it заметно increases the efficiency and performance, enables a significant extension of the safe mileage between engine oil changes, and maintains the perfect condition and cleanliness of the engine (even with direct fuel injection) and the emission control system (including DPF filters).
AR9100 does not contain: sulfur, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium and calcium характеристика for oils with an increased level of ash deposited on devices of the exhaust emission control system and expensive diesel particulate filters (DPF), disrupting the correctness and effectiveness of their operation, as well as reducing the time of failure-free operation.
A 250 ml bottle is sufficient for up to 7 liters of engine oil or 2.5 liters of transmission oil, and in the case of cars with smaller capacities, it is possible to use one 250 ml bottle for the engine and gearbox.
AR9100 in the proportion of 3.5% (35ml per 1L of oil) provides over 1100ppm of nano boron to engine oil and in the proportion of 10% in transmission oil as much as over 3300ppm of nano boron - this is many times more than any oil (even racing / motorsport class) available on sale in the form of much less effective micro бор!
All Archoil products are based on the latest research, using the best discoveries of nanotechnology such as potassium borate, шестиугольная boron nitride (hBN), дисульфиде вольфрама (WS2) and other advanced complex nanoparticle solutions used for the most effective solutions in: friction reduction, anti-corrosion protection, modification fuels or high load carrying capacity to meet the toughest challenges of lubrication and fuel quality and performance. Friction modifiers are mainly used to reduce friction. Однако, ARCHOIL Friction modifiers perform the following functions: Friction reduction, anti-corrosion protection, EP (anti-seize) and keep the lubrication system clean.
< / div >Specification
Application: Regenerators
Ean: 0610370341193
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