Front and rear brake cable in steel braided HEL company
параметры продукта:
Warranty: вечное,
колесо: спереди / сзади.Ли>
p-type system-connection of the pump with the clamp by means of one cable. Схема и типы схем показаны на фото.
подходит для:
SX 125 2T 2008
SX 125 2T 2007
SX 125 2T 2000
SX 125 2T 2001
SX 125 2T 2002
SX 125 2T 2003
SX 125 2T 2004
SX 125 2T 2005
SX 125 2T 2006
SX 200 2T 2003
SX 200 2T 2004
SX 250 2T 2008
SX 250 2T 2007
SX 250 2T 2000
SX 250 2T 2001
SX 250 2T 2002
SX 250 2T 2003
SX 250 2T 2004
SX 250 2T 2005
SX 250 2T 2006
SX 380 2T 2000
SX 380 2T 2001
SX 380 2T 2002
SX 450 Racing 2006
SX 525 Racing 2006
the kit includes:
front and rear brake cable in a steel braid with machine-обжим терминалы,
screws for attaching The hose to pumps and clamps,
copper washers ensuring tightness of the connection,
paper assembly instructions in Russian,
individual warranty card for the purchased copy,
stickers with the HEL Performance logo.Ли>
General description:
стальные стены гелия не реагируют на увеличение давления в тормозной жидкости, что приводит к более эффективной передаче давления в тормозные поршни,
stronger and more confident тормозная,
less force needed to press the brake levers,
faster reaction time,
increasing тормозная precision - it is much easier to select the тормозная force, and in case of emergency, increase it even more,
elimination of the blunt brake effect - HEL cables increase the feeling of "good grip on the brake",
reliable тормозная система - elements do not wear over time, are not subject to corrosion and oxidation обеззараживания, because they are made of high-quality steel alloys,
technology proven in racing,
motorcycle manufacturers recommend replacing the factory brake hoses after a few years of buying a motorcycle because they wear out over time,
пожизненная гарантия.Ли>
безопасность и комфорт:
you will feel more confident on the road already at the first тормозная,
more driving pleasure by increasing the feeling of safety,
feeling of comfort thanks to the effective and better feeling of the brake,
if you are serious about riding a motorcycle, you surely know that your safety is of key importance (brakes are an element of a motorcycle in which is no room for quality compromises).Ли>
Quality of materials and workmanship:
wires not crumble, not break,
corrosion-resistant tips,
терминалы из нержавеющей стали обжимные с помощью специализированных прессов,
внутренняя часть шланга сделана из тефлона, спасибо за то, что тормозная жидкость не впитывает влагу и воду, и это удерживает ее свойства для более длительного времени,
крепежные винты из нержавеющей стали.Ли>
Design and appearance:
the set includes instructions, so you can easily install the cables yourself,
you choose the colors yourself - you can choose not only the color of the wires but also the tips to match the color of the motorcycle,
Regardless of the color, it is still the same cable with a Teflon core and a braid made of stainless steel,
colored Outer jacket is embedded in The braid structure, thanks to which the surface of the cable remains smooth throughout its use,
терминалы и провода устойчивы к ультрафиолетовому излучению-они не различаются.Ли>
The cables are prepared individually for each order, therefore they are not returnable.