50674 - Комплект ксенона HID AC DIGITAL SLIM M-TECH H7 4300K

50674 - Комплект ксенона HID AC DIGITAL SLIM M-TECH H7 4300K

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50674 - Комплект ксенона HID AC DIGITAL SLIM M-TECH H7 4300K

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3119,00 ₴
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< div class= "text" > XENON BASIC AC DIGITAL SLIM KITS M-TECH H7 4300k

A полный комплект, который позволяет вам преобразовать стандарт галогенного освещения в освещение с использованием технологии HID xenon. Thanks to the semiconductor-transistor technology used in the HID SLIM converter, the set is a perfect compromise between an analog and digital M-Tech converter. The product performs best on vehicles manufactured up and including 2003, without causing a "blown bulb error". Full voltage stabilization prevents strobe (flickering) effects and sudden turning off of the lights, and anti-помехам filters eliminate CB and FM радио помехам *.

* in most cars, such a filter works perfectly, but there are installations that are more susceptible to электромагнитная waves.

M-Tech Basic Slim kits achieve exceptionally good results in life and failure tests, they are also состояние живых характеризуется by a very low complaint rate. Их маленькие размеры позволяют установить конвертеры даже под самыми строгими масками.

Very simple installation, without the need to make any modifications in the car - just install the burners in place of the original bulbs and then connect them to the converters. Мы можем отключить его и установить его в другой машине в любое время. The product perfectly combines an attractive price with very good quality.

Temperature 4300k - gives the effect of yellow and white light

6000K temperature-gives the effect of white-blue light

Temperature 8000k-gives the effect of blue light

We also offer only the filaments - if you have purchased the whole set and are not satisfied with the color of the light, you can buy filaments in any color you choose !!!

The kit includes: 2 xenone burners, 2 converters in a hermetically sealed housing, a set of wiring necessary for assembly, assembly instructions, thread 12 months (does not include filaments - covered by a 14-day boot-up guarantee).

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