220V Car Painting Tool Portable Paint Dryer 1000W Infrared Lamp
Manual baking lamps are essential artifacts for car paint, dry paint, explosion-proof film, and high-insulation film.Ли>
Handheld portable Solar film insulation test light, sued old-fashioned Solar film test light.Ли>
Five Product features
★ Small size, light weight,
Energy saving;
★ shortwave infrared,
Strong penetration, drying out from the inside;
★ Stable performance and душа design;
★ Widely used;
★ Manual operation and flexible use;
1 х инфракрасная нагревательная лампа;
32 см long * 10 см wide
шнур питания:2.5 meters
температура выпечки: 0-100 (℃)
максимальная площадь выпечки: 300 * 150 (мм)
Topcoat baking time: 0-10 (мин)
Short wave: penetrates The Paint film, drying The paint from the inside out to make the paint surface harder
гладкий и блестящий. Shortwave (near infrared) infrared functions: heating and cooling time is 1-3 seconds, which makes the control of the heating process more flexible. Highly efficient and durable, single tube and Plum tube gold coated reflective layer can achieve radiation efficiency of more than% and long service life, typically more than 10,000 hours. Подходит для сушки шпатлевки и окрашенных поверхностей в быстром ремонте и быстром ремонте, приведении к лучшей окрашенной поверхности. Improve the gloss and fullness of the surface of the paint coating, improve the adhesion of the paint coating and avoid alterations.Ли>