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SECURA UNIX 5000 профессиональная маска FULL-FACE МЯГКАЯ

The UNIX 5000 full-face mask, after completion with appropriate cleansing elements, is used to protect the respiratory system and face against harmful substances in the form of паров and gases as well as dust, smoke and mists. Маски изготовлены в одном универсальном размере. Они характеризуются низким дыхательным сопротивлением и длительным периодом хранения.

SECAIR 3000.03 P3 filters, when combined with a half-mask or a mask, protect the respiratory system against VIRUSES, aerosols from solid particles (dusts, fumes) and liquid (mists), as long as the concentration of the dispersed phase does not exceed 30 x TLV (Maximum Allowable Concentration)

auction applies:

  • full Face mask SECURA UNIX 5000

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    Design advantages of masks:

  • Optimal communication possibilities
  • a glass with a wide field of view will perform
  • Fast and reliable installation of filters using a Bayonet connection
  • части маски сделаны из высокопрочных пластиков, резины, устойчивых к гармоничным веществам и непогашенным погодным условиям
  • The masks are effective in all climatic zones, with an ambient temperature ranging from -40 to +40 C, relative humidity up to 98%
  • the inner half mask prevents fogging and reduces the carbon dioxide content under the hood
  • double face seal allows users with different face proportions to use a universal size mask
  • self-tightening buckles of the 5-point head harness facilitate the fit of the mask, allowing it be adjusted and secured directly on the user's head.
  • The UNIX 5000 mask consists of a body, a large lens with optical correction, two bayonet connectors with inhalation valves and gaskets, and a headband.

    конструкция маски позволяет ей сочетаться с элементами, которые удаляют гармоничные вещества в форме аэрозолей (пыль, дым, туман), в форме испарений и газов, и в обеих этих формах вместе.

    The masks meet the European standard

    EN 136: 1998 + AC: 2003 (класс 2).

    The UNIX 5000 mask has an EC type examination certificate for compliance with Directive 89/686 / EEC according to the EN-136 standard, which authorizes the product to be labeled with the CE mark


    1. The mask does not protect against carbon monoxide and must not be used if:

  • The Oxygen concentration in the air is lower than 17%, e.g. in channels, manholes, tanks and unventilated rooms of small cubature;
  • это невозможно правильно подобрать маску к лицу;
  • 2. Не делайте модификаций или изменений в оборудование.


    The 5000 mask should be stored in dry rooms, free from harmful паров and gases, ensuring the temperature of -5 ° C - +40 ° C and relative humidity below 80%. Маска должна была не собираться вместе с токсическими веществами, которые излучали неописуемые запахи и были агрессивными к материалам. Это не разрешено хранить в местах, выставленных на прямой солнечный свет или на расстоянии менее 1 м от нагревательных устройств.

    For UNIX 5000 masks, additional protective carbon absorbers and pre-filters should be purchased.

    sample specification below. Filters are not part of the auction !!!

    SECURA ABSOLUTOR ABEK1 3045 + filter P2 2 set 1347

    Filter set 3045 ABEK1 P2 R protects the respiratory system against organic and inorganic gases, паров and gases of organic substances, ammonia and its organic производные.

    SECURA ABEK1 3055 + filter P3 2 set 1348

    Filter set 3055 ABEK1, P3 R protects the respiratory system against organic and inorganic gases, паров and gases of organic substances, ammonia and its organic производные.

    SECURA ABSORBER A1 3051 + filter P3 2 set 1350

    The 3051 A1P3 R filter set, when combined with a half-mask or a mask, protects the respiratory system against organic паров and gases with a кипения point above 65 ° C as well as dust, fumes and mists. The permissible concentration of vapors and gases is 0.1% by volume.

    SECURA ABSORBER A1 3041 + filter P2 2 set 1349

    The 3041 A1P2 R filter set protects the respiratory system against organic gases and паров of organic substances with a кипения point above 65 ° C as well as dust, fumes and mists. The permissible concentration of vapors and gases is 0.1% by volume.

    SECURA CARBON АМОРТИЗАТОР ABEK1 2025 certificate 1556

    The 2025 ABEK1 амортизатор protects the respiratory system against organic and inorganic gases, паров and gases of organic substances, паров and acid gases, ammonia and its organic производные, as well as mixtures of the above-mentioned substances.

    SECURA Carbon ABSORBER A1 2021 with certificate 1554

    2021 A1 амортизатор, protects the respiratory system against organic паров and gases with a кипения point above 65 ° C, with a total volume concentration not exceeding 0.1%. EN 14387: 2004 + A1: 2008 (PN-EN 14387: 2004 + A1: 2008).

    SECURA ABSORBENT Charcoal FILTER 2023 E1 1553

    2023 E1 absorber, protects The respiratory system against Sulfur dioxide and other acid gases and vapors. Permissible concentration of паров and gases 0.1% vol. Substances against which the 2023 E1 absorber protects: chlorine, hydrogen chloride, nitrogen dioxide, Sulfur dioxide, formic acid и др.


    2022 B1 absorber, protects The respiratory system against inorganic gases (except carbon monoxide). The permissible concentration of vapors and gases is 0.1% by volume. Substances against which the 2022 B1 амортизатор protects: arsine hydrogen, bromine, hydrogen bromide, chlorine, carbon дисульфиде, bromine, chlorine, etc.

    SECURA ABSORBENT Charcoal FILTER 2024 K1 1553

    The 2024 K1 амортизатор protects the respiratory system against ammonia and its organic производные. Permissible concentration of паров and gases 0.1% vol. Substances against which the 2024 K1 амортизатор protects: ammonia and its organic производные (amines: methylamine, dimethylamine, ethylamine, etc.

    SECURA DUST FILTER 1 pc. 2000.11 P1 431

    SECAIR 2000.11 P1 № filters protect the respiratory system against aerosols made of solid or liquid particles, as long as the concentration of the dispersed phase of the aerosol does not exceed 4 x TLV. Благодаря качеству используемых материалов, фильтры усиливают высокое поглощение пыли.

    SECURA Filters SECAIR 3000.01 P1 R 2 pcs 1558

    SECAIR 3000.01 P1 R filters, when combined with a two-filter half mask or a mask, protect the respiratory system against solid particles (dusts, fumes) and liquid (mists) aerosols, provided that the concentration of the dispersed phase does not exceed 4 x TLV (Maximum Allowable Concentration).

    We also recommend защитная пленка

    на ветровом стекле.

    The foil is transparent, self-adhesive and protects the visor from dirt and mechanical damage such as царапин и царапин, thus extending its life.

    self-adhesive visor protector легко надеть и снять.

    Protective foil, prevents damage to the mask during works related to varnishing, painting and пескоструйные.

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