Impulse charger EST-516m 12V / 15 A цифровой дисплей

Impulse charger EST-516m 12V / 15 A цифровой дисплей

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Impulse charger EST-516m 12V / 15 A цифровой дисплей

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Код товара:
6846,00 ₴

The subject of the auction is of excellent quality

A charger for the batteries of the Polish manufacturer Stef-половина

EST - 516m 12 в / 15 а

with a smooth Charging Current регулятор

equipped with a digital display and a battery Charge indicator

The EST-516m chargers are intended for automatic charging of maintenance-free, gel and lead-acid batteries with a voltage of 12V and a capacity of 34 ÷ 150ah.

The EST-516m chargers are intended for automatic charging of maintenance-free, gel and lead-acid batteries with a voltage of 12V and a capacity of 34 ÷ 150ah.

Charging the batteries with these чарджерс guarantees that the battery is fully charged and extends its life.

What distinguishes EST чарджерс from other чарджерс is that after reaching the correct voltage by the battery, the system does not disconnect the charger from that moment a constant voltage value is maintained on the battery, which is beneficial for the battery.

Charging the batteries with this charger meets the expectations of the user and the battery manufacturer.

EST - 516M (12V / 15A)

технические данные EST-516m <улей>
  • Номинальное напряжение питания; U1230V ~
  • Rated current of the supply; I11A
  • Rated current of the WTA fuse; 2.5 A
  • Rated output voltage U2; 12V
  • Rated output current I2; 12A
  • Protection class; II
  • Rated Power Энергопотреблением; 220
  • Voltage switch; 14.4 V; 14.9 V; 16v
  • Smooth regulation of the charging current
  • Dimension ; 230 x 200 x 140
  • Весы ; 3.40 кг
  • All чарджерс offered at our auctions are CE marked, which means that they meet all European Union safety requirements

    They have certificates issued by


    authorizing the products to be marked with the safety mark:


  • The rectifier is protected by a thermal switch, which disconnects the system when the transformer overheats and reconnects the system after the transformer cools down.
  • The charger is equipped with a digital indicator which shows the current with which the battery is being charged.
  • Before starting the charging process, clean the battery terminals, unscrew the свечи, and top up the electrolyte level with distilled water in the amount of approx. 10 мм над верхними edges of the tiles. Плагины должны быть безвинтовыми при зарядке.
  • ATTENTION: before connecting the charger to the battery, unwind The connecting cables.
  • Connect the "+" (красный) charger clamp to the battery box marked with the "+" sign; and connect the charger clamp "-" (black) to the battery terminal marked with the "-" sign.
  • Then insert The plug into a 230V ~ mains socket.
  • Use the knob to set the value of the current we want to charge the battery, remembering not to exceed 10% of the battery capacity, but not more than 12А.
  • Depending on the condition of the battery, we cannot always achieve the maximum current we want to charge the battery. После зарядки аккумулятора, текущая стоимость отключается, но она не всегда падает до нуля.
  • the "power" indicator light указывает, что зарядное устройство было подключено к 230V ~ mains and the battery
  • After the battery is charged, disconnect The plug from the 230V ~ socket, then disconnect The terminals from the battery.
  • когда заряжается батарея в автомобиле, зарядное устройство должно стоять рядом с автомобилем на немигающей поверхности. Во-первых, подключите кабель зарядного устройства к батарейному блоку, который не подключен к Земле транспортного средства, подключите второй кабель зарядного устройства к Земле, от батарей и топливных линий, затем подключите зарядное устройство к 230V ~ mains. После зарядки аккумулятора отключите зарядное устройство от 230V ~ mains by removing the plug, затем зарядное устройство приведет к земле и, наконец, зарядное устройство подключится к батарее.
  • время зарядки аккумулятора занимает 12-16 часов. depending on the state of discharge of the battery.
  • The electrolyte density in a charged battery should be 1.27 -1.28 г / см
  • с 1991 года мы проводим оптовые и розничные продажи аккумуляторов, зарядных устройств и автомобильных ковриков, поставляем автомобильные магазины и автосалоны.

    we focus on the quality of the best brands, which is why we only sell goods from reputable companies.

    We provide 100% originality of products.

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